African Mahogany Logs Exports
Pine Pine Logs India Radiata Pine Logs Southern Yellow Pine

JAS Formula for Pine Logs Measurement

JAS FORMULAE For logs less than 6 m long V = D^2 *L/10000  where D is the shortest diameter in centimetres L = length in metres  V = volume in cubic metres  2. For logs equal to or greater than 6 m long  V = (D + (L’-4)/2)^2 * (L/10000) Where D is the shortest diameter […]

Pine Logs India Radiata Pine Logs South American Woods Southern Yellow Pine timber and lumber

Lumber price to go high

Sawlog prices trended upward throughout the world in the 4Q 2013 and the Global Sawlog Price Index (GSPI) rose to US-$ 88.78/m³. This was the highest level in over two years and the third highest price on record since 1995, reports Wood Resource Quarterly (WRQ). Upward price movements the past year have been the highest […]

Shipload of Pine Logs
Pine Pine Logs India Radiata Pine Logs

Radiata Pine Logs- Break Bulk – Shipload Business for India- China ports We offer Radiata Pine Logs in break bulk / Shiploads for various ports of India. Interested may contact in canada: 1 604 832 0105 or in India Canada skype: ivon.gill India Skype: gill.timbers